Clean Hands Save Lives 8 millions of lives a year, maybe yours. The Fund The Book Le geste qui sauve 8 millions de vies par an, peut-être la vôtre. Le fonds Le livre Die Rettende Geste 8 millionen Leben ein Jahr, vielleicht bei Ihnen. Das Buch Un Gesto Salvador 8 millones de vidas al año, tal vez la tuya El libro O Gesto Que Salva 8 milhões de vidas por ano, talvez a sua. O livro 節約ジェスチャー。 生活の8 milions年、多分あなた。 本 Visit the site Join now! Did you know? NOSOCOMIAL INFECTIONS (HOSPITAL-RELATED INFECTIONS) ARE ILLNESSES ACQUIRED DURING HEALTH CARE. The issue At least 500,000 patients are infected each day throughout the world. 20 to 50,000 die as a result. The answer Hand hygiene using alcohol-based handrubs reduces the number of infections, and thus the related deaths, by 50%. Statistics & milestones Help save lives How?